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Muscle Soreness

When you begin a new workout, more than likely you are going to end up a little sore. This is caused by micro tears in the muscle. Over time as the muscles rebuilds itself stronger to accommodate the activity, soreness should decrease.

In the meantime, who do you relieve the soreness? Try these tips!

1. Epson Salts

Epsom salt dissolved in a warm tub of water works wonders for aching muscles. Use warm, not hot, water. Warm water will dry out your skin less. Soak for 15 minutes or until the water has cooled, up to three times per week. Not recommended for those with health conditions such as heart problems, high blood pressure or diabetes.

How do Epsom salts work? Epsom salts are made up of magnesium sulfate. Magnesium is natural muscle relaxant, and as a salt they help to pull excess fluids out of the tissues, reducing swelling.

2. Heat or Cold

A warm shower or bath is a natural muscle relaxer, which can be great for tension knotted shoulders or muscles tight from overuse. For bruising or inflammation, an ice pack applied to the affected area for up to 20 minutes can reduce swelling and soreness.

3. Magnesium

Low levels of magnesium in the body can lead to general muscle aches and muscle cramps. You may want to consider a magnesium supplement, but you can start by including foods that are high in magnesium in your diet. Some of the top food sources for magnesium are molasses (see below), squash and pumpkin seeds (pepitas), spinach, Swiss chard, cocoa powder, black beans, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds and cashews.

4. Movement

If you’re just stiff and sore, more of what got you that way may be the answer. Over time, your muscles will build and strengthen and you’ll be able to do more with less discomfort. Stand up, walk, run, stretch, garden – do whatever you can to be active, so you can stay active as you age.

5. Rest

Sometimes the best thing you can do is not do anything at all. If you rest up for a couple of days, general muscle soreness should pass on its own.

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